HSV to Hex Converter

Hex Color:


  1. This HTML and JavaScript code creates a web page with an input field for entering an HSV color, a "Convert" button, and a div to display the resulting Hex color.
  2. The convertToHex function is called when the "Convert" button is clicked. It performs the HSV to Hex conversion and updates the result in the hexResult div.
  3. Inside the convertToHex function, we parse the HSV color string using a regular expression to extract the numeric values of Hue (H), Saturation (S), and Value (V).
  4. If the input is valid and contains three parts (H, S, and V), it checks whether the values are within the valid HSV range. Hue should be in [0, 360], and Saturation and Value should be in [0, 100].
  5. If the values are valid, the function converts HSV to RGB using the HSV-to-RGB conversion algorithm. Then, it converts RGB to Hex format and displays the result in the hexResult div.

You can copy and paste this code into an HTML file and open it in your web browser to use the HSV to Hex converter.